Frequently asked questions for IV Therapy

  1. What is IV therapy?

    • The practice of administering fluids through a small plastic catheter is inserted into your vein directly into your blood stream.
  2. What are the benefits of IV therapy?

    • IV therapy delivers essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This is especially beneficial for individuals with digestive problems, as it ensures nutrient absorption even when the digestive tract is compromised. 
    • Rapid rehydration
    • Higher concentrations of ingredients can be administered than can orally.
    • Directly available for absorption - bypassing the gut environment.
  3. Is IV therapy safe?

    • Yes. Your IV is administered by either an RN, PA-C, NP or critical care paramedic; they are all seasoned professionals!
  4. How long does an IV therapy session take?

    • Depends. If it is a quick IV push, then allow for about 20 minutes from time you walk in to time you leave. For an entire treatment with hydration, can be 1-1.5 hours.
  5. Are there different types of IV therapy?

    • Yes. An IVP (IV PUSH) is where a small needle is inserted into your vein (like a butterfly needle for a blood draw) and concentrated nutrients are pushed directly into your vein. If you desire hydration along with your nutrients or are getting an infusion that calls for fluid dilution, then an actual IV is inserted into your vein. 
  6. How often should I have IV therapy?

    • This depends. Often treatments can be situational, meaning if you're coming down with a cold or feel run down, we can boost you for that specific targed reason. Other treatments like heavy metal chelation for anti-aging are recommended every 1-2 months. People with absorption issues would need more frequent infusions so the answer depends!
    • 80% of the population is dehydrated so a boost in simple hydration status is always beneficial and can be done weekly for most healthy individuals.
  7. What conditions or symptoms can IV therapy address?

    • Boost immunity after viral infections
    • Help recover from surgery - boost healing
    • Support athletic performance - tired muscles
    • Detoxify your body
    • Supplement nutitional deficiencies
    • Support brain health 
  8. Is IV therapy covered by insurance?

    • Unfortunately no. You can use an HSA or FSA card for certain conditions.
  9. Are there any potential side effects or contraindications?

    • Depends on treatment but generally, these infusions are very, very safe. Every patient will be evaluated by a healthcare provider prior to recieving any IV treatments.

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