Tailored lab testing fit to YOUR needs!

The labs your primary care clinician won't order because insurance company won't pay for them!

There is an old saying, "you will never find what you don't look for".

Harness the power of holistic nutrition and supplementation with our micronutrient panels and other often overlooked lab tests. Our targeted lab testing goes beyond the surface, evaluating your levels of essential vitamins, minerals, heavy metals and cardiac risk profile with precision. Discover a comprehensive view of your health, empowering you to make informed decisions and take proactive steps towards your well-being. Labs are followed by targeted supplement recommendations so stop wasting money on amazon vitamins and lets see what you REALLY need!

45 minute consultation is $75.

Book a Consultation

Types of Lab Testing

Come here to know all the things your primary care physician cannot test you for

Male or Female Wellness panel - $315 - $350

Over 60 markers of your health including sex hormones and inflammatory markers. Includes detailed interpretation report.

Heavy Metals - $125

Vague symptoms? Consider a heavy metal test. Unsafe levels can lead to an array of vague health symptoms.

Targeted Gut Testing

Diarrhea, constipation, bloating? Health starts in the gut. What is in yours?

How it works:

and overview of potential costs

1. Meet with Clinician

45 minute consultation where customized testing will be recommended. $75
quad cities ketamine clinic, telomere testing

2. Sample Collection

Tests are often urine, saliva or blood samples. Prices range from $75 - $850 depending upon each situation. You will ultimately decide what you want to be tested for.

3. Lab review with clinician in 2-3 weeks

$150 for comprehensive 45 minute lab review and treatment recommendation.